Congratulations to Natascha Merten, Assistant Professor of Population Health Sciences and Medicine, who was awarded the UW-Madison Vilas Early-Career Investigator Award! Vilas Faculty Early-Career Investigator Awards recognize research and teaching excellence in faculty who are …
Alvin Thomas featured in On Wisconsin Magazine article “Making Social Media Safe”
Barry Burden quoted in The Hill “Republicans seek to swing Wisconsin back to their side”
Steven Deller quoted in Bloomberg “US Economy’s Disconnect With Voters Badgers Biden in Key State”
Alvin Thomas quoted in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel “Just how ‘horrible’ is Milwaukee’s crime?”
Barry Burden quoted in NYT “A Democracy With Everything but a Choice”
Alvin Thomas is an author of this article for The Conversation “Men are carrying the brunt of the ‘loneliness epidemic’ amid potent societal pressures”
Richard J. Davidson answers questions about emotions for WIRED
Welcome New CDHA Associate Director Lauren Schmitz
We’re excited to announce Lauren Schmitz as our new Associate Director of Training! Lauren is an Associate Professor of Public Affairs at the La Follette School of Public Affairs. Schmitz is a dedicated member of …
Graduate Student Profile: Michael Topping
Name: Michael Topping, Graduate Student in Sociology Hometown: Burlington, Wisconsin Educational Background: B.S. in Social Work & B.A. in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; M.A. in Sociology, University of Memphis 1. How did you first connect to …