Research Groups

Health and Biodemography Working Group

Centering on CDHA’s research themes of Health Economics & Health Services Research and Biodemography, this group aims to (1) advance research utilizing biological markers to study individual health trajectories and population health outcomes and (2) investigate how health insurance, care systems, technologies, and health behaviors interact and shape outcomes of aging. Meetings of the Health and Biodemography Working Group are posted on our website.

Social Genomics Research Group

The Initiative in Social Genomics (ISG) at the UW–Madison aims to become home to the largest and most innovative group of researchers pursuing topics in social genomics in the world. Integrating social science and genetic research, ISG researchers study how genes are linked with human behavior and socio-economic outcomes, how genes and environments interact (GxE), and how external social conditions influence basic internal biological processes—specifically, gene expression. Their findings add to the body of evidence that humans’ molecular composition can be shaped by social-environmental experiences. The Social Genomics Research Groups meets weekly during the semester.

Health Economics Working Group

Health Economics and Health Services Research takes advantage of the broad and deep expertise across multiple departments at the University to produce innovative work that increases our understanding of how health insurance, health care systems and technologies, health behaviors and related processes and choices jointly shape outcomes of aging. The Health Economics Working Group meets 1-2 times a semester to share and discuss breaking health economics research.

Health, Aging, & Place Research Group (Archive)

The Health, Aging, and Place Research Group is presently not meeting regularly, however past events can be found here.