May 17-19 Co-Sponsored Workshop with Scott Cunningham

May 17-19, 2022 from 10:00 am-6:00 pm ET, Syracuse University will host a co-sponsored methodology workshop on difference-in-differences with Scott Cunningham, professor of economics at Baylor University.

This workshop will cover basic methodological concepts in causality like the potential outcomes model and directed acyclic graphs as these are the most common modalities used by contemporary statisticians, econometricians and social scientists more generally. It will cover, in detail, canonical research designs like regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, differences-in-differences, synthetic control. The three-day workshop will also include matching and subclassification.

Registration information can be found here.

This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Aging and Policy Studies (Syracuse/Cornell/U-Albany); Center for Advancing Sociodemographic and Economic Study of Alzheimer’s Disease (USC/Stanford/UT Austin); Center of Aging & Population Sciences (UT Austin); and Center for Demography of Health and Aging (UW–Madison).