Travel Awards

The Center for Demography of Health and Aging (CDHA) is pleased to announce the availability of travel funds for trainees and junior faculty to participate in professional development activities.

CDHA is one of 12 research centers on aging funded by the National Institute on Aging. The Center plans to fund travel awards to researchers working on the demography of aging with a focus on one or more of CDHA’s signature themes, including:

  1. Aging and the life course: linkages between longevity/later life health and social, economic, and environmental exposures throughout the full life course.
  2. Biodemography: genomics, epigenetics, hormonal dysregulation, microbiotic changes, and the integration of biological and population-based data.
  3. Aging and racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, geographic, and gender disparities in health and well-being.
  4. Health economics/policy approaches to aging questions: Retirement, health care, etc.
  5. Impacts of place on aging processes.

We also welcome proposals that focus on Family demography, social engagement/support, and social isolation as well as proposals focused on the demography of dementia and caregiving.

View a printable (.pdf) version of this opportunity here. 

The program is open to UW-Madison early-career stage faculty, academic research staff (e.g. Research Scientists), and UW-Madison pre- and post-doctoral fellows with an interest in aging. Pre-doctoral fellows affiliated with CDHA may not request PAA funding via this mechanism.

Applicants may request up to $2,000 for travel to attend thematically relevant conferences, workshops, and NIA-funded network meetings. Expenses can include airfare, lodging, UW per diem, ground transportation and registrations costs.

To be considered for a travel award, please submit a description of the conference or workshop you wish to attend along with a paragraph explaining how your professional and research plans will benefit from your participation.  All application materials should be emailed to Aaron Crandall via email. Please include “CDHA–REQUEST FOR TRAVEL FUNDS” in the subject line.

All travel must be completed by June 30, 2025. In addition, travel award recipients are expected to write up a brief report that describes the professional development activity they attended and how it will benefit their subsequent research. Reports are due 30 days after the travel has taken place (1 page limit).  Recipients are expected to cite CDHA (P30 AG017266) as a source of funding support for any publications or presentations that emerge from the professional development activity they participated in.

Applications will be accepted beginning 07/01/2024 through 06/01/2025. Applications will be reviewed and a decision made within two weeks of receipt. Awards will depend on number of applications, appropriateness of the travel, and availability of funds. Questions may be directed to Aaron Crandall: