A core value of CDHA’s mission is to expand research and training opportunities to junior researchers and researchers who are underrepresented in academia. In alignment with this value, CDHA has expanded funding and mentoring opportunities over the past five years. Explore these opportunities below, including our Scholars in Residence program, Diversity Supplements, and the Pilot Grant program.
Scholars in Residence Program
The CDHA Scholar-in-Residence Program has two aims: to support research by U.S.-based health and aging scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic populations; and to enhance resources and networks available to these scholars and our local affiliates. Applicants may choose to visit CDHA for approximately one week, to become acquainted with resident faculty, staff, and resources, and present a seminar. Follow the link above to view this academic year's scholars and learn how to apply (rolling).
Diversity Supplements
The Center for Demography of Health & Aging aims to prioritize Diversity Supplements for the CDHA Center Core Grant and CDHA affiliate research grants. NIA’s Diversity Supplement program supports the development of eligible trainee-candidates who seek independent and productive careers in research on aging and enhances diversity in the biomedical workforce. Follow the link above to learn more about NIA Diversity Supplement and a listing of successful applicants affiliated with CDHA.
Pilot Grant Program
Through the CDHA Center Core Grant from the NIA, CDHA provides financial support to affiliates who are developing innovative projects likely to receive federal funding. CDHA annually invites interested investigators to submit proposals for pilot funding. The program prioritizes supporting research by junior and underrepresented scholars. Follow the link above to view this academic year's pilot awardees and annual application opportunities.