2016–17 Pilot Projects

Why Does the Immigrant Health Advantage Disappear over the Life Course?

PI: Michal Engelman, Assistant Professor, sociology
Abstract: Population aging and immigration from increasingly diverse origins are dramatically transforming America’s demographic profile. This pilot project uses 2014 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) to examine social structures, policies, and practices affect the health of immigrant populations.

Early Conditions, Delayed Effects and Their Impact on Adult Mortality Patterns Summary

PI: Alberto Palloni, Samuel Preston Professor, sociology
Abstract: This project will conduct an empirical test on conjectures derived from theories of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). The Latin American Mortality Database (LAMBdA) and the Human Mortality Database (HMD) will be used to generalize a formal model formulated by Palloni and Beltran Sanchez.

Living Arrangements at Older Ages: A Cross-National Comparison

PI: James Raymo, professor, sociology
Abstract: Living arrangements are closely linked with health, health care, and long-term care in later life. This project will examine transitions in living arrangements among older Europeans, depict their living arrangements as trajectories over a period of nine years. Data will come from the Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), which tracks national samples of men and women 50 years of age or older since 2004 in 20 European countries (and Israel).

Title: The Role of Early Life Experiences in Shaping the Gut Microbiome: A Study Incorporating the Microbiome into the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
PIs: Federico Rey, Assistant Professor, Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pamela Herd, Professor, Sociology, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Abstract: Microbes in the gut, and their associated genes (the microbiome), affect many aspects of our physiology. A growing body of research emphasizes the key role the microbiome plays in shaping human health. This project uses the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study to explore the role of early life conditions’ and the degree of plasticity in the gut microbiome across the life course.