Fall 2021

September 8: Introductions

September 15: Art of the Abstract
Jenna Nobles (UW Sociology)

September 22: PAA Abstract Workshop Panel
Felix Elwert (UW Sociology), Michal Engelman (UW Sociology), Corina Mommaerts (UW Economics)

September 29: Publishing as Process
Felix Elwert (UW Sociology)

October 6: Asking Research Questions: What is Your Estimand?
Ian Lundberg (UCLA Sociology),
*Please note that this session will be virtual

October 13cancelled

October 20: New Outcome Metrics for Survival Analysis
Lu Mao (UW Biostatistics)

October 27: Stage Skills for Presenters
Lucy McLallan (Madison, Drama therapist)

November 3, 2021: Practice Job Talks Panel
Felix Elwert (UW Sociology), TBD

November 10: Hidden Curriculum
Sebastian Tello-Trillo (UVA Public Policy & Economics)
*Please note that this session will meet in 1328 Sterling Hall

November 17: Using Instrumental Variables Estimation with Endogeneity and Measurement Error
Felix Elwert (UW Sociology)
*Please note that this session will be virtual

November 24No class –day before Thanksgiving recess

December 1: Ethics Session: Transparency and Reproducibility from the Trenches: What 1000 Econ Articles Teach You
Lars Vilhuber (Cornell Economics, AEA Data Editor)
*Please note that this session will be virtual

December 8: Workflow for Publishable Tables with Stata 17
Russell Dimond (UW SSCC)

December 15: Non-traditional Data
Max Besbris (UW Sociology)