Fall 2012

Friday, September 7
Preparing Careers in Health & Aging: Developing Successful Conference Submissions
(Please note there is a 9 A.M. breakfast gathering: meet the new CDHA students!)
Christine Schwartz, UW Sociology

Friday, September 14
Preparing Careers in Health & Aging: Academic Hiring from the Perspective of
Mara Loveman, UW Sociology
Pam Herd, UW La Follette School of Public Affairs

Friday, September 21
Graduate education in Population and Aging Studies
(Please note this seminar will be held in Social Science Room 8411.)
John Mullahy, UW Population Health Sciences
Marcy Carlson, UW Sociology
Jim Raymo, UW Sociology

Tuesday, September 25
Does the Income Share of the top 1% Predict Self-Reported Health of the 99%?
(This is a joint seminar with CDE. It starts at 12:30 P.M.)
Dean Lillard, Ohio State University

Friday, October 5
Methods in Health & Aging Research: Common Errors when Using Multiple Imputation
(Please note this seminar will be held in Social Science Room 8411.)
Russell Dimond, UW SSCC

Friday, October 12
CDE/CDHA 50th Anniversary Research Symposium
(Please see http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cde50th.php for program information.)

Friday, October 19
Methods in Health & Aging Research: Rethinking Interactions
John Mullahy, UW Population Health Sciences

Friday, October 26
Current Debates in Aging Research: National Academies Text
Jenna Nobles, UW Sociology

Friday, November 2
Methods in Health & Aging Research: Tools for Life Course Analysis
Jim Walker, UW Economics

Friday, November 9
Does the Microbiome Impact Age-related Diseases and Longevity, Or Are We Still Just
Living and Dying for Sex?
Craig Atwood, UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Friday, November 16
Biomarkers measuring Sexually Transmitted Infection: Challenges and Benefits for
Population Science
Monica Grant, UW Sociology

Friday, November 23
Happy Thanksgiving! No meeting this week

Friday, November 30
From Twitter to Policy Briefs: Promoting Health Science Beyond the Academy
(Please note this seminar will be held in Social Science Room 8411.)
David Kindig, UW Population Health Sciences

Friday, December 7
Marriage, Marital History, and Black-White Wealth Differentials among Older Women
Methods in Health & Aging Research: Revisiting Quantile Regression
Fenaba Addo, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholar at UWMadison