The Carillon Tower at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is pictured with late spring tulips

Monday Seminar Series


During the spring 2022 semester, CDHA hosted a bi-weekly seminar series featuring guest lectures by scholars and researchers from across the country whose work focuses on aging and health. Seminars were held virtually on Mondays from 11:30 am-1:00 pm.


Monday, February 21

“The Demography of Chronic Pain,” Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, University at Buffalo (Video, Restricted, UW only)

Monday, March 7

“Is Education the Great Equalizer?: Examining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Returns of Education on Adult Health,” Kyler Sherman-Wilkins, Missouri State University (Video)

Monday, March 21

“How Educational Inequities in the U.S. South Pre and Post Brown Shape Dementia Risk for Black and White Older Adults,” Katrina Walsemann, University of Maryland (Video)

Monday, April 4

“(Re)Introduction to Data for Studying Health and Aging @ UW,” Michal Engelman, Eric Grodsky, Kristen Malecki, and Carol Ryff, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Video, Restricted, UW only)

Monday, April 18

“Lifecourse Risk Factors of Dementia and Late-life Cognition,” Paola Gilsanz, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research (Video, Restricted, UW only)

Monday, May 2, 2022

“What’s Happening Now and What’s Coming up at NIA?” Amelia Karraker, NIH/NIA (Video)